Scholarly building: a zine: 'Yes, Virginia, there is ICE here too' Jan 19, 2025 • Amanda Wyatt Visconti “Yes, Virginia, there is ICE here too” (Zine Bakery Biscuit #2) is an 8-page, black-and-white minizine explaining how immigration rules and rhetoric impact Charottesville folks even though we’re in the middle of a state, far away from federal borders—and resources for supporting us and our neighbors vs. racist rhetoric and unjust laws. I also created a Photoshop template so folks can make your own localized version, linked on the zine webpage. See the Zine Bakery page for this zine to read online, download a copy to read locally or print, or grab a Photoshop template for making your own localized version of the zine to distribute.