Essays by topic Zines: Zines! Researching, collecting, making, reading. Meta digital humanities: Everything about doing the digital humanities: DH infrastructure, daily practices, etc. Digital humanities: All digital humanities posts (honestly, this is almost every post I write...) Best: A curated selection of my best/favorite blog posts Featured on DH Now!: All posts that have been featured on Digital Humanities Now Infinite Ulysses: All posts about Infinite Ulysses (during and after the dissertation based on it) Dissertation: All posts about/during my Ph.D. Dissertation (successfully defended in Spring 2015; see for the dissertation and for the finished digital+social reading platform) Scholarly web design and coding: All posts on scholarly web design and coding Gephi: All posts on using Gephi for information visualization Usertesting: All posts related to usertesting, usability, and other user/site metrics and analysis Textual scholarship: All posts related to textual scholarship, scholarly editing, digital editions, weird texts, etc. Advice/tutorial: Tutorials for web development, Gephi information visualization (want just Gephi posts?), etc. as well as advice for people curious about the digital humanities. See grad advice for just stuff about being a grad student in the digital humanities. Advice for grad students: Advice for graduate students on doing a digital dissertation, project management, etc. James Joyce & Ulysses: All posts about James Joyce and/or Ulysses Purdue DH: Posts from my 2015-2017 DH Librarian role at Purdue University Libraries Notes: Rough notes, lists, drafts, and other things that aren't in an essay format