The front cover of the "DIY Web Archiving" zine, which says "Things disappear from the internet. Care about stuff on the web? You need to act to archive it. Anyone can do it—this zine can show you how."

A 22-page standard-size, full-color zine co-created by Quinn Dombrowski, Tessa Walsh, Anna Kijas, Ilya Kreymer, and Amanda Wyatt Visconti.

  • CC BY-NC.

DIY Web Archiving shows you why everyone should participate in preserving the things on the web they care about, and how anyone can do so (no special expertise required!). Based on the 11/25/2024 virtual workshop co-sponsored by WebRecorder, SUCHO, and ACH; taught by Walsh, Kremer, Dombrowski, & Kijas; with additional text/resources from & zineified by Amanda Wyatt Visconti.

Available now:

  • Full-color PDF of zine: suitable for reading on your computer, or printing in full color
  • Poster version of front cover with added arrows/text encouraging folks to take copies of the zine; useful if you want to print a pile to leave in public (place poster above or next to pile)

More info and future versions of the zine will be published on the zine’s details webpage.