I made progress on my neon ghost books project, an attempt to emulate Aidan Kang’s Luminous Books described in my “Book-adjacent data” journal article.

I learned:

  • hot glue gun doesn’t work well for these glass & acrylic joints (too thick, dries too fast)
  • leaving paper wrapping on the on glass & acrylic to protect it from the glue meant that it is now annoying to remove; and I discovered that excess glue actually cleans off it easily without leaving a cloud
  • the jigsaw-edge box design calculator I used, and/or the glass cutting measurement tolerances are off (resulting in gaps between the joints)

Photo of a kitchen table covered with supplies for gluing acrylic and glass boxes together. Supplies include a hot glue gun, cutting boards, a clear thick acrylic material made into a shape intended to eventually be a box with two sides glued together; a book-shaped rectangular box made of glass, missing the top and bottom sides, where the edges are cut into jigsaw crenellations, with glue drying between the joints; a cup of Q-tips; a bowl of trash; a cardboard box.