(Update: My title has since been adjusted to "Director of the Scholars' Lab" to recognize the breadth of my strategic, visionary, and leadership work.)

I’m starting as Managing Director of the University of Virginia’s Scholars’ Lab later this spring! Academic Director Alison Booth wrote a lovely post about my hire on the Scholars’ Lab blog.

The Scholars’ Lab is a digital humanities center at the University of Virginia Libraries, and a founding member of the CenterNet international network of DH centers. The Lab has an amazing team of DH experts (including new Head of Graduate Programs Brandon Walsh), a team-authored charter I deeply respect, and past and current work including:

  • Neatline, “a mix-and-match toolset for the creation of interlinked timelines and maps as interpretive expressions of the literary or historical content of archival collections”
  • Speaking in Code, a symposium of advanced DH developers discussing tacit DH tech knowledge
  • The Praxis Program and Network—innovative models of DH student training, where students have collaboratively created projects such as Prism and an Ivanhoe reboot
  • An experimental humanities Makerspace
  • Leadership Alliance Mellon Initiative (LAMI) fellows (supporting minority students interested in graduate studies)

And even more work captured in this 2016 blog post by Alison Booth and on the Scholars’ Lab research page.

I’m deeply honored to join and excited to work with the Scholars’ Lab team and community, and looking forward to being back in the VA/MD area.

The next post on this blog will share the job talk I gave while interviewing for this role, and you could also check out my previous role’s job talk if you’re interested in interviewing for DHy positions.